Self thoughts

Tuesdays are beginning to become my favourite day, a full day of drawing, its great being kept busy. Oh how I have missed life drawing. Life drawing class started last week but this week we had an actual model. 
I had forgotten how relaxing it was to just sit and draw someone, even with a time limit and the complete concentration but it seems to help me focus. A3 size paper is not the best size for life drawing, need to go larger and express more. 
Been given a character concept project to do, the starter word is 'reef'. But we have to keep the character humanoid, ok so that has its limits but makes you think. Getting started on this has been more interesting than other projects so far, we actually get to create what we want (yay) and once we have the basic of our character and a final render its time to sculpture. 
Its really weird, we are no longer freshers anymore, well not really. The uni is now interviewing the next lot of students for the course, its amazing how fast this year has gone and to think we are past half of the first year. I'm really enjoying it and my time here even if the work load is full on, but it makes you realise how much work you can or should be doing in that space of time. Note to self: need to buckle down more.
Ok so today I had Game Production and we are continuing to model a ford transit van. They are so boring, I don't know how my lecturer can stand looking at 40 odd vans. But, ok I'm going to slightly rant here, we haven't had any tutorials on how to even go about making it, it would be nice to see how she would make a quick mock up of it. Anyway, I'm finding it ok, decided to go with strip modelling instead of a box modelling. Might take slightly longer but I am finding it a better way to model. 

Visual Design and we have moved onto life drawing, something I have missed and what to do, and its inside (yay!). Last week we learnt blind drawing, something I have done before and I find it really useful, its so much more free and easy to work with instead of intense drawing. Only slight problem, I need to work faster in everything, and just be more open to ideas and concepts, I'm too OCD and I think it shows in my work, I hate it. 
Yeah self portraits without looking at the paper and a time limit of 1 minute. Its fun and relaxing and you get the basic shapes, will be good to paint over and manipulate later. 


Amongst a new camera for Christmas, I received two very, well I think amazing books;
The Art of Alice, Madness Returns.

The art and the concepts within this book are beautiful. Every page makes me want to learn more within the game world and become more fluent with my drawings and ideas. The thing is, everything on each page is either weird and wonderful or strange and mind boggerling. Its pretty cool how the story of Alice in Wonderland has been twisted and turned into something of the opposite.

The other book that I got was Spectrum 18; The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art. The book is completely filled with different types of artwork, its nice to see alot of traditional work from drawings, to water colour, to oils. I miss that, being able to just pick up a paint tube and splat it across a white page. But back to the book, it seems that every artist has their own style and its unique to them, but it shows feeling and emotions across the work, and aslong as that is there, the work comes alive and the audience can understand it.